The Project aims to improve the climate resilience, safety and efficiency of SPA's ports through the simplification and streamlining of relevant physical and non‐physical components of the Port’s operation.
A fundamental first step for the Project was the development of a vision for the Green Ports with SPA. Defining the vision set the framework for all other activities carried out during the Project.
Green Port Policy (GPP)
The Green Port Policy aligns with the Samoa Port Authority’s vision to be one of the Pacific’s leading port authorities in providing safe, efficient, effective, and sustainable port services.
Health Check
In order to identify opportunities for improvement as insight to the development of GPIs for Apia Port, a review of the port's current performance of 'green status' has been undertaken.
Robust stakeholder engagement is critical to developing a Green Port Policy (GPP) and identifying Green Port Initiatives (GPIs) that will successfully deliver safety, security, and sustainability improvements to SPAs ports.
GPI Working Group (GPIWG)
A Green Port Initiatives Working Group (GPIWG) has been established with the following roles and responsibilities:
Green Port Ambassadors
For SPA’s Ports to become ‘Green Ports’:
Project Outputs
The project outputs include:
Green Port Practice Manual (GPPM)
Multi-Hazard Disaster Preparedness Plan (MHDPP)
Disasters can result in fatalities and loss of property and livelihoods. A proactive approach towards the management of disasters promotes sustainable development and ensures effective disaster risk reduction.